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Mensaje  red_devil_07 Mar Mar 18, 2008 6:10 pm

The build-up to Easter Sunday's clash with Liverpool has well and truly begun, yet Sir Alex insists he’s not looking past Bolton Wanderers’ visit on Wednesday.

The Reds’ boss admits Sunday's game could be “pivotal” in the title race, although it would count for little should United drop points against Gary Megson’s side.

“There are big games coming up and [Liverpool] is one of them, especially when you consider Chelsea are playing Arsenal on the same day,” Sir Alex told Manchester United Radio. “But when you see what happened at Derby on Saturday, not taking our chances, you realise you can’t take anything for granted. Sure, there are big weekends ahead, but the other matches are just as important.”

Bolton, lingering in the drop zone and without a league win since the first weekend of February, certainly share the Reds’ hunger for points, even if the motivation is different. Megson's team beat United back in November and Sir Alex says they'll make life difficult again. “They’ve got Kevin Davies up front and he’ll do everything he possibly can to unsettle us.

“He’s a physical lad and we have to deal with that but I think Nemanja Vidic and Rio Ferdinand have the height and ability to do that. Of course, losing Jussi Jaaskelainen is definitely a big blow for Bolton because he’s one of the best goalkeepers in the division, but they have experience in Ivan Campo and Kevin Nolan.

“If we perform well and take our chances then we’ll win the match. But it’s important we respect our opponents. Some of our football recently has been terrific and there’s good penetration in the team. It’s encouraging that we’re making so many chances… perhaps the forwards just need to relax a little in front of goal. Then the goals will come.”

Cantidad de envíos : 204
Edad : 33
Localización : Los Angeles, CA, USA
Fecha de inscripción : 12/03/2008

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