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Brown habla

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Mensaje  red_devil_07 Mar Mar 18, 2008 6:16 pm

Wes Brown has warned United must end their wastefulness in front of goal to ensure Premier League title glory.

The Reds spurned chance after chance against Derby on Saturday and were set to drop unexpected points until Cristiano Ronaldo popped up with the 75th-minute winner.

“We’re getting really good chances, we’ve got to start putting them away," Brown told MUTV. “We made it hard for ourselves against Derby. We could have finished the game in the first 10 or 15 minutes. Luckily we got the winner in the end, which was a real relief.”

After passing up several early opportunities at Pride Park, United could have fallen behind had debutant Ben Foster not denied Kenny Miller with two superb saves in the space of a minute. “Ben’s a great keeper," he added. "It was his first game for a long time and he came in and did brilliantly.”

United top the table on goal difference ahead of Arsenal and have a game in hand on the Gunners - Bolton at Old Trafford on Wednesday. “It’s always good to be top,” Brown added. “If we can get another three points against Bolton, it’d be great for us and we know then that if we win every game, we will win the league again.”


Cantidad de envíos : 204
Edad : 33
Localización : Los Angeles, CA, USA
Fecha de inscripción : 12/03/2008

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