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Podria El United Fichar a David Villa?

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Podria El United Fichar a David Villa? Empty Podria El United Fichar a David Villa?

Mensaje  red_devil_07 Mar Mar 18, 2008 6:44 pm

Chelsea y Manchester United estuvieron ayer por la noche en alerta roja despues de que el español David Villa revelara que esta listo para dejar el Valencia.

Villa, es calificado como a eso de 20 millones de euros, y es uno de los atacantes mas temido en Europa.

joder imaginense el muñeco de David Villa al United!! jajaja nombreee otro que se une a las orgias!!

£20million Villa on his way

Chelsea and Manchester United were last night on red alert after Spanish ace David Villa revealed he is ready to quit Valencia.
Villa, rated at £20million, is one of the most feared strikers in Europe and has been targeted by both the Blues and United boss Sir Alex Ferguson.
The 26-year-old said: “As is only right, I need to think about my future and I am open to any solution.
“I will take into consideration all the offers that I am made, obviously with the blessing of the club where I am under contract.”
Villa – who is expected to be a key man for Spain at this summer’s Euro 2008 finals – has also been linked with Real Madrid and Barcelona.
The Sun

Meanwhile, The Times claim FC Porto have denied United have made a bid for defender Jose Boswinga, while The Daily Mail reports Reds officials are in Rome conducting “peace talks” ahead of next month’s Champions League quarter-final clash with AS Roma. Violence marred the 2006/07 meetings between the sides but this season’s two games passed by with little incident. Still, according to the paper, “there are real fears violence could flare again now that the stakes are much higher”.

The Star have equated Sir Alex’s quotes on United’s recent missed chances to a “battle cry” ahead of Bolton’s visit to Old Trafford on Wednesday night. “The missed chances are becoming a concern,” the manager said. “We were really charitable against Portsmouth and against Derby. It’s a sticky spell in front of goal that we must get over.”
Round up by Nick Coppack


Cantidad de envíos : 204
Edad : 33
Localización : Los Angeles, CA, USA
Fecha de inscripción : 12/03/2008

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