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Owen Hargreaves "Nuestro Plan Funciono"

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Owen Hargreaves "Nuestro Plan Funciono" Empty Owen Hargreaves "Nuestro Plan Funciono"

Mensaje  red_devil_07 Jue Abr 24, 2008 7:42 pm

24/04/2008 07:32,
Report by James TuckHargreaves: Our plan worked

Owen Hargreaves declared United’s goalless draw with Barcelona in the first leg of their Champions League semi-final was a job well done.

The makeshift right-back revealed that containing Barca’s potent attack was always the main priority at the Nou Camp and believes the Reds now have the upper hand going into Tuesday’s second leg.

He told MUTV: “I think we’d have taken a 0-0 before the game. Defensively I thought we were strong and didn’t allow Barcelona any clear chances.

“They had a lot of possession and kept the ball well, but they didn’t really penetrate us and that was the strategy going into the game.”

Hargreaves refused to blame Cristiano Ronaldo for missing an early penalty which could have changed the nature of the tie entirely.

“You’re not going to score them all,” he said. “He’s scored more than he’s missed and I think maybe he changed his mind at the last moment. It probably would have changed the flow of the game had we scored, but it’s fine.”

Ronaldo had another strong penalty appeal waved away by referee Massimo Busacca later in the first half when Barca defender Rafael Marquez appeared to obstruct the winger as he bore down on goal.

Hargreaves added: “It looked like a penalty but after the referee had given one penalty, it would have been brave for him to give another and a red card.”

Cantidad de envíos : 204
Edad : 33
Localización : Los Angeles, CA, USA
Fecha de inscripción : 12/03/2008

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