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Vida Eyes repeat Triumph

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Vida Eyes repeat Triumph Empty Vida Eyes repeat Triumph

Mensaje  red_devil_07 Dom Mayo 25, 2008 5:56 am

Vida eyes repeat triumph

Fresh from picking up his second winners' medal in 10 days, Nemanja Vidic is already thinking about adding to his collection next season.

The Serbian was a tower of strength in the Reds' backline alongside Rio Ferdinand as United kept Chelsea at bay in the Champions League final in Moscow.

And having experienced the elation of helping the club to their third European Cup triumph, Vidic says the squad are determined to defend their title.

"When you pick up the trophy and you celebrate with your team-mates and the fans it makes you want to do it all over again because the feeling is so good," he told

"It's something I'll always remember and I hope I get the chance to experience it again.

"We will try our best to do that and we already have a big motivation to win it again next season."

Cantidad de envíos : 204
Edad : 33
Localización : Los Angeles, CA, USA
Fecha de inscripción : 12/03/2008

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